- BulletPHP
- Fat-Free Framework
- Limonade
- Phalcon
- Recess PHP
- Silex
- Slim
- Tonic
- Wave Framework
- Zaphpa
Before I can start talking about PHP RESTful micro frameworks, let me
first say that I am first and foremost Java developer. At the same
time, my personal and official job also requires of me to work with PHP,
from time to time.
It was never my intention to write an article about this topic. A purpose of this blog is to help mobile developers
working with JavaScript; PHP was never part of it. But as things go I
made a decision to write a rather complex set of jQuery Mobile tutorials
that required server side communication. My first thought was to use
Java Play Framework. This plan backfired when I found out that a lot of
my readers were PHP developers.
Everything mentioned before urged me to switch to PHP but at the same
time I was required to spend some time searching for the best
replacement for the Play Framework. This article is dedicated to this
I will try to be as much objective as I can. Before I chose these
frameworks, I spent a lot of time playing with everything available
trying to find a perfect one. This doesn’t mean other frameworks are
wrong or inadequate, as you will see, my decision was hard, and it took
Before I start take a look at a list of my chosen 10, in alphabetical order
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