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Configure PhpStorm to
Auto-complete CakePHP Models, Views, and Controllers
After playing around a
bit today I finally figured out how to get PhpStorm to auto-complete methods
for models and controllers. Here's what you need to do.
Removing Multiple
First, let's tackle the
multiple definitions problem that we see below.
There are multiple
places defining AppController. We need to remove the ones that are included in
the following locations from our 'Directories' in the project's settings.
The two locations are:
The two locations are:
Next we need to mark the
following file as plain text.
You should now see that
PhpStorm is no longer complaining about multiple definitions. If it is you may
want to check your plugins/components to see if they're mucking it up. If they
are, just mark the file with the definition as plain text.
We can now
auto-complete on our models in the controller.
Lastly, we need to add
magic properties to our models to define its relationships with other models.
Basically, for each "belongs to" relationship defined in the model's
file you need to add the magic property comment.
We can now auto-complete
these relationships.
To get auto-completion
working in views we need to include a file created by junichi11 over
at GitHub.
Download this file and save it in a directory somewhere outside of your current project. I did this so I could use the same file on multiple projects.
Download this file and save it in a directory somewhere outside of your current project. I did this so I could use the same file on multiple projects.
Open a view file and add the following variable definition.
You should now be able to auto-complete helpers in your view!
Add the following to
your app_controller.php file and this will add component auto-completion.
Auto-completion should
now work for the controller. However, it's still not working correctly on our
Adding the Model
To fix the model we need
to add a magic property to the class.
ModelName $ModelName
Here's an example from
the controller we've been working in.
Defining Model
Setting Up Helper
Auto-completion in Views
Now add that directory
to your current project.
*@var $this
Core Component
* CakePHP
Component & Model Code Completion
* @author
* CakePHP Core
* @property
AuthComponent $Auth
* @property
AclComponent $Acl
* @property
CookieComponent $Cookie
* @property
EmailComponent $Email
* @property
RequestHandlerComponent $RequestHandler
* @property
SecurityComponent $Security
* @property
SessionComponent $Session
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